Have you ever stopped to think about what it feels like to be heard and how that affects your life… or conversely, what it feels like not to be heard and how that affects your life?

My life has been deeply affected by an event which took place 25 years ago and continues to shape my life to this day.

Around 3:00 am on August 23rd, 1992, a friend of mine was stabbed to death in her home.

Before my friend, KD, died she did manage to dial for help.

The night shift emergency dispatcher could not understand her whispered cry for help and hung up on her.

It wasn’t until later that same morning, when the day shift dispatcher reviewed the call, that the tragic oversight was finally ‘heard’ – my friend’s call for help.

KD’s tragedy shook me to my core. It connected me with underlying pain I had been “at the effect of” my entire life. You see, I was raised to believe “children should be seen and not heard”. I had always felt what I had to say was not important, so I didn’t speak out, believing no one wanted to hear what I had to say.

Through KD’s tragedy I discovered these beliefs had been hindering me and holding me back from fully expressing myself from a young age.

August 23rd, 2017 will mark 25 years since I was shaken to my core – my beliefs challenged. I have traveled a great distance mentally, physically, spirituality and emotionally; shaping my career to focus on how to best express myself while helping others to fully express themselves.

Through the integration of body-oriented psychotherapy, massage, bodywork, Reiki and healing sound therapies, I have continually fueled my passion and honed my expertise to promote healing and guide others in the art of self-expression to free themselves from pain on all levels.

After decades of my own healing and self-development I have been led to this new venture which focuses on the power of self-expression through writing: a natural extension of my passion and complement to my current services.

In partnership with Diane Marie Ford, and endorsed by ‘Believe Inspire Grow’ (a national women’s empowerment organization) I have recently launched ‘In Your Own Words Women’: a community built through the publication of a series of collaborative books comprised of stories written by women to teach, move and inspire. The series kicks off with “If Only I Knew Then What I Know Now” Women’s Stories of Discovery; we will be including 200 women’s stories.

I invite you to join us in creating this community of self-expressed women by contributing your story. If you feel moved to write, but do not know what you want to say or exactly how you will say it, trust your gut and simply go for it. Register to write. Trust in the process. We will support and guide you along the way. You will be heard.

Experience first-hand how it feels to be ‘heard’ as a published author. To learn more and to register to join us as we change the world one story at a time, visit our website: www.InYourOwnWordsWomen.com. If you are so moved, please share this opportunity with any women you think would benefit from sharing their stories.







