You ask me, “What do I have to say?”
I retort, “Well, who really cares anyway?”
To what end would my voice heard serve?
What if my vocalization were to strike a nerve…
You are the primary person to gain by sharing your view
Consider… your truth and wisdom may teach or simply ring true.
‘Tis all for the best, you say
Even better if you seek support along the way
The safe space you seek to divulge your truth
In the first place, resides within, forsooth.
“What do I want?” is the question to ask
Then mirror back – a ‘selfie’ – so to speak, to set yourself on task.
Oh, but an emotion or feeling I dread to go near
May rear its ugly head, I do fear.
Why poke to feel an uncomfortable twinge?
Ahhhhh…it can lead to release what does impinge.
Imagine being heard and feel it down deep
How it sets you on a path of discovery and riches to reap.
To gain clarity, a strong foothold on your wants
Unearth your voice; root it out from its haunts.
To sum up, the benefit touches all who hear
From you to your neighbor, to a stranger or to one you hold dear.
It may even, for someone, awaken a creative nerve
This in turn, enlightens or inspires another to serve…
Up their innermost dreams, aspirations and gifts;
Sharing with those who will ‘listen’ – on an on the ripple drifts.
I say we all want to be heard in some way or another
And to feel heard fills us with strength, resolve and fodder.
Whether another ‘likes’ what I divulge and create, or not
Matters less than the import of sharing what I’ve got.
In closing “Find your own voice.” I implore
We all win and frankly, why not venture to explore?