Have you ever been in attendance at a concert, recital, lecture, graduation ceremony or play; or at a gathering where one or more people was/were being acknowledged and honored for their achievement or their performance? Probably every reader can answer “Yes” to that question.
In the above scenario(s) did you ever rise from your seat to join in or even been the first or only one to give a standing ovation? Again, I bet most of you will answer “Yes”.
You may have shared a personal connection with the recipient: family, colleague, team member, friend, mentor, student, sponsor… Possibly you were simply a great fan, or maybe you were completely taken by surprise at your own enthusiastic response to the person(s) receiving all those “Bravos!”.
Can you recall how that felt?
Most likely you felt a combination of the following: energized, inspired, grateful, impressed, passionate, expansive, vibrant, thankful, joyful, moved, and proud; or maybe simply ‘blown away’. Feel free to add your own feeling(s) to the mix.
Now, let’s flip the coin. Have you ever been the recipient of such great outpouring?
If your answer is “No”, please take a moment to imagine what it might feel like to be received in such a manner? Think about it… feel it. The recipient of the standing ovation would probably feel much the same way as the giver.
The bottom line is that both the person receiving and the person giving the standing ovation undoubtedly became connected in a positive way; they felt and embodied that powerful vibration. It was an uplifting and memorable experience.
What a magnificent testament to a mutually grand and grateful state of being. What you’ve done by imagining or calling to mind this state is put yourself into what I call a ‘Standing Ovation Mindset’!
It is my belief that from within this mindset, this expansive and connected perspective, compassion and mutual support are recognized. It is from this shared mindset that greatness manifests itself.
Who would not want to feel that way? Who could not benefit from being held in this high vibrational state? What do you imagine could spring forth from living day to day in such a rich mindset?
I imagine expanding my world with a wellspring of appreciation, heightened awareness, gratitude, power, connection, compassion, fulfilled dreams, rich and rewarding activity, inexhaustible energy, vibrancy, limitless resources, effectiveness, clear focus, passion, leadership, rejuvenation, success, inspired expression, ease, balance, creativity, joy, wonder…
I invite you to do your own imagining. What would it look and feel like to live in a ‘Standing Ovation Mindset’? The first step is yours to take, whenever you are ready. You are in charge of what you feel, and that defines your experience.
© 2017 Katharine Gilpin