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About Us

In Your Own Words Women founders, Katharine Gilpin and Diane Marie Ford are nurturers, connectors,

Katharine Gilpin

teachers, healers and creative artists who have been successfully helping women to express themselves through their respective private practices for decades, Katharine as a Creative Healing Artist, Diane, a Certified Holistic Counselor and Spirit Medium.

Katharine brings 30+ years of entrepreneurial expertise and Diane, 25+ years of corporate savvy and 13 years as an entrepreneur.   Katharine sets the stage with her theater education and experience and brings story-telling to life.  She is a finely tuned editor with an eye for detail, bringing out the best in your writing.  www.KatharineGilpin.com

Diane Marie Ford

Diane is a recently published author of her first book; The Spirits Speak on Success, and in a collaborative book series, which has become an international best seller.   For more information visit www.ListenToThyself.com

Both are columnists with a local paper, Huffington Post bloggers, and are senior co-leaders of the National Women’s’ organization, Believe Inspire Grow. They have been life partners since 1993, (legally married in 2004) live on the south shore of Massachusetts with two dogs, seven cats and a flock of chickens. They love caring for all species of beings and do so with joy in their hearts.


Now is the Time

Diane Marie Ford and Katharine Gilpin have been successfully helping women to express themselves through our respective private practices for decades.

They recognize now is the time to expand their lives’ work from a one-to-one model to a one-to-many model.  As Sexagenarians (in their sixties ☺) they find themselves reflecting back on the stories that have made them who they are, the ground they  have covered and the changes which have shaped the context of the here and now.  There still remains much ground to cover and bridges to build to connect and continue to shape them. They know there is fragmented collective wisdom and unspoken stories longing to come together to create a powerful, positive community of well-expressed women. They have created this book project, In Your Own Words Women, as a call to gather you and you and you to share your wisdom and your stories, NOW.







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