You know you have something to say, but you don’t say it. How does that make you feel? How do you think holding back from expressing yourself affects you?
For nearly thirty years I have been a professional bodywork massage therapy healing artist. I can tell you from experience it is essential to your well-being to ‘speak up’ for yourself. By ‘self-stifling’ you will likely become contracted somewhere: i.e., with a ‘bad’ back, chronic headaches, a crick in your neck, recurring pain, or other restrictions. Perhaps you have not found the platform to say what really needs to be said.
As an expert with helping women express themselves, I can assure you, by not speaking up, by repressing and not expressing, you will become contracted or numbed out somewhere in your body, mind or spirit.
What do you do in that case? Write your story – for healing sake.
You are best served to get all that ‘stuff’ out, express it! When there is something ‘inside’ wanting to come out, to ‘see’ the light of day, how do you begin to express yourself through the written word, especially when you haven’t a clue how or where to start?
Here are three simple action steps you can take to start addressing your pain and discomfort.
1) Create the time and space to find a quiet private place to sit down. Allow yourself to locate and revisit the place within where the discomfort around your ‘untold story’ resides.
2) Grab a pad of paper (or you may prefer your laptop) and begin to write your memories of that story. Do not be concerned about grammar or punctuation. Allow your writing to flow.
3) Upon completion, read your story out loud and allow yourself to experience everything you feel about that situation. Notice if your perspective shifts in the reading. Explore what it would feel like to transform this story and lessen (or lesson) your pain. Is there a connection? Is there a teachable moment you’d like to share?
In my quest to help women express themselves I am partnering with Diane Marie Ford in launching a new project through a series of books, In Your Own Words Women.
If you feel ready to liberate yourself from your story, the cause of chronic pain or discomfort in any area of your body, mind, heart or soul, please consider joining as a contributing writer. This is an opportunity to transform discomfort and ‘dis-ease’ through writing and sharing. Your story might help someone rewrite their story for healing sake.