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Author Archives: Diane Marie Ford

Holidays Greetings & Gratitude

It is with love and gratitude we reach out to connect with you, an integral member of our In Your Own Words Women family, with warm and heartfelt holiday greetings.  If only we could have known at the onset of 2020 what we know now … how the year would play out in a full […]


The Language of Love

The language of love is an unspoken language.  It is communicated through emotions, thoughts and feelings.  My communication with those in the spirit realm is based in love and words are not needed to inspire or maintain a connection. The language of love is a beautiful language.  As long as the heart is open and […]


The Time is Now!

Now is the time for all ‘good women’ to come to the aid of themselves. To rise up and scream “ENOUGH!” To give voice to their dreams, their fears, their secrets. To come out, come out, wherever they are and be a contributing member to the change they wish to see and be a part […]


Express Thyself ~ Don’t Repress Thyself

Opinions and thoughts swirling around us are so plentiful it is difficult to maintain a sense of balance, let alone a sense of humor, or decorum. Are you aware of the fact that We, the People, are in the midst of a revolution and your participation is needed? Can you feel the electrified energy calling […]


We Thrive In Connection

We are all connected to one another, living and dead, whether we like it or not. However, we are currently living deeply disconnected lives. We can pretty much fulfill our needs without making face-to-face contact with the ‘outside world’ and we do a good job of ignoring all efforts made to connect by our loved […]


It Takes A Village

                    Each of you has embarked upon a courageous, creative adventure, to write a story about “if only you knew then what you know now”. Your story of discovery. Yes, your story will be deeply personal. Yes, you may have to ‘go deep’ to excavate it. […]


Excavate Your Gems

                      “How can I write a story when I cannot even begin to put words to my feelings?” It’s impossible to begin to write if I cannot pinpoint my message.” “I know there’s ‘something there’ in the form of a lesson I’ve learned, but I’m […]