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B.I.G. Endorsement

“Discovering and embracing our unique attributes is part of every women’s life journey. And one of the first goals that must be accomplished along this life adventure is to find and embrace your own very special voice.

For women, the planet’s nurturers, this assignment isn’t always an easy one. We put so many others’ needs before ourselves. We hear so many others’ voices louder than our own. But a life is not fully realized unless and until your voice – your very reason for being – is acknowledged and heard.

The great poet Maya Angelou, so eloquently wrote, “But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams.” We must each work to overcome our fears and free ourselves from the obstacles that keep us quiet in order to achieve our goals and live our purpose.

That is why, I am so excited to support and embrace the wonderful initiative ignited by Katharine Gilpin, along with Diane Marie Ford, two of our B.I.G. Massachusetts pod leaders. It’s the fulfillment of a calling to create a very special book series that will feature the stories – the voices – of many of our B.I.G. members and the women of their communities.

Some of these stories will be joyful. Others may be heartbreaking. But I am confident that this wonderful collection of women’s discoveries and revelations will create a “symphony” of inspiration and empowerment for women throughout the globe.

If Katharine’s personal story (please see Katharine’s Blog: Write Your Story for Healing Sake) moves you, as it did me, we then invite you to move forward on your own personal journey and take the next step with us in the production of this very special initiative.”

Tara Gilvar, Founder & CEO  of Believe. Inspire. Grow.

















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