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Book Series

In Your Own Words Women Series


“I Can Feel the Love”
Women’s Stories of Connection

In Your Own Words Women Series – Book Two

We launched this, the second book in our Series, in February 2020.
To order your copy click HERE.

There are innumerable types and varieties of the most universally written about emotion of “love” and its multitude of feelings. The common denominator is a feeling of connection. That connection can be one of: appreciation, wonder, awe, possibility, community, care-giving, fostering, sharing, survival, common cause, partnering… the list goes on and on.

From one woman’s tale of finding her way to vegetarianism, to another woman’s sharing of lessons learned navigating through cancer, 21 writers lovingly take the time to excavate and appreciate the connections found everywhere.

The women gathered here to tell their stories recognize the blessing in the writing and sharing. This not only puts the storyteller on the path of self-reflective healing, but hopefully the reader as well. Illustrating their  trust in the power of love, these writers tip the scales in favor or connection.


“If Only I Knew Then What I Know Now”

In Your Own Words Women Series – Book One

We launched this, the first book in our Series, in July 2018.
To order your copy c
lick HERE.

How many times have you thought to yourself “If only I knew then what I know now”? Would anything be different in your life today? It is never too late to revisit lessons from your past experiences and transform them into teaching moments in the present. In this book, 42 women address the importance of:
Following Your Heart
Taking a Stand for Yourself
Finding Your Voice
Recognizing Your Beauty and Power
Honoring Your Intuition

Sharing personal experiences from their past, these women hope to help others step into the process of self-exploration and self-expression. While each experience is unique, there runs a common thread that binds us, one to the other, weaving an indelible tapestry. 


“Katharine Gilpin and Diane Marie Ford’s book, If Only I Knew Then What I Know Now, was amazing to me. The personal stories from multiple women made me think back to my own dreams as a child, teenager, and adult woman in what I wanted in life.

I had many years to look back being born in 1941. Those years were not as  easy for a woman to become what she craved or to be open in our feelings and wants. We stayed hidden. Each of these stories shows how to reach our dreams, because in today’s world, women can become whatever and whoever they want.  It’s persistence along with forgiving those who hurt us. Being patient. Not settling for less. We need to believe in the good within ourselves.  

This is a warm, emotional book with honesty from each contributor. There is so much to learn from their struggles to reach their goals. The ending showed what each had achieved with their lives. I found turning every page worth the time. This will be a book to keep by my bedside.”

Alberta Sequeira, Author and Speaker


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