Speak Out

Feel the Love

“I Can Feel the Love” Women’s Stories of Connection   There are innumerable types and varieties of the most universally written about emotion of “love” and its multitude of feelings.  The common denominator is a feeling of connection. That connection can be one of: appreciation, wonder, awe, possibility, community, care-giving, fostering, sharing, survival, common cause, […]


Fill In the Blanks

                    What do you do when you do not understand why someone says what they say or behaves in a certain way? Most likely you ‘fill in the blanks’ by creating a story you believe to be true to make sense of their behavior. Allow me […]


You Ask Me

                      You ask me, “What do I have to say?” I retort, “Well, who really cares anyway?” To what end would my voice heard serve? What if my vocalization were to strike a nerve… You are the primary person to gain by sharing your view […]


August 23, 1992

                      Have you ever stopped to think about what it feels like to be heard and how that affects your life… or conversely, what it feels like not to be heard and how that affects your life? My life has been deeply affected by an […]