“How can I write a story when I cannot even begin to put words to my feelings?”

It’s impossible to begin to write if I cannot pinpoint my message.”

“I know there’s ‘something there’ in the form of a lesson I’ve learned, but I’m not sure if it would be of any import to anyone else.”

As women we have become programmed or conditioned to believe we have nothing of great value to say or contribute to society.  The women of my parents’ generation were raised to believe that illusion, and you know all about the ‘trickle down’ effect.

Fortunately, we are not our mothers (save the excellent traits) and we have risen to not only know, but to befriend the truth.  Women are vital contributors and have awesome, evocative, life-altering stories to share.  We have wonderful wisdom to impart.

We simply need to go deep, excavate and share.

When we share, we share meaningful, juicy, ‘no holds barred’ details. We connect emotionally with one another and often-times words aren’t even necessary.

The key is in allowing yourself to go deep to that sacred place where the riches and bounties reside; deep into that dark, still place within, the place which screams to have light shed upon it.

When you muster up the courage and fortitude to explore your inner depths, you will find gems unlike you have ever imagined.  They sparkle with insight, glow with the love of being recognized, and beg to come forth and cast their light for all to see and bask within.

There is something within each of us which has been repressed, ignored, and holds us back in an effort to get our attention. There’s more than ‘something’ – there’s lots of ‘somethings’.  When they are met, given value and invited out into the light of day, they shine!  And better yet, they teach.  These ‘somethings’ love to teach.  They love to share and be shared, if only they are given the chance… the opportunity… the recognition for which they so yearn.

I think you may know what I am talking about.  Chances are you have felt similar stirrings within your own soul.  You have experienced the yearnings to be released from thyself, released from that which you cannot put words to, or allow yourself to fully feel, let alone write about.  You tremble with the thought of releasing yourself from the pain, angst, status-quo of your life and finally becoming free.

If you allow yourself to journey unto yourself and give yourself the time and space to listen to thyself, you will find those nuggets, the sparkly, glowing insights.  They are waiting to reveal themselves unto you.  They are dying to be excavated.

Invite them to share and simply scribe what you hear.  (That’s all you need to do; no judgement, no thinking, just pure stream of consciousness.)

I believe the difficulty lies in making the time to connect with yourself – not in the writing of your story.  I assure you the words are dancing in the recesses within, the messages are clear and simply waiting to be revealed.

The real question is… will you make the time to go within, explore the crevices and excavate the lessons?

The world awaits your stories.  Your freedom is priceless!


All Rights Reserved © 2017 Diane Marie Ford
May not be used for promotional purposes without the explicit written permission of the author.

