Karen Leeds
“It’s an opportunity to make a difference to other women so they can learn the lessons we learned without going through the sometimes difficult experiences themselves.”
Lau Lapides
I am writing a story for the book to inspire women to find their authentic, creative & courageous voice.
Stephanie Borden
I am writing this story to help me move beyond the fear that has held me back from doing things for a very long time.
Deborah O’Brien
By contributing my story to this book I hope to help others face their demons and discover the power of allowing themselves to feel.
Lauren Lemieux
Maura O’Leary
I hope to inspire others by writing about how to overcome fear and live fearlessly and the success of that motto in my own life.
Vickie Martin -Conison
I wish I’d listened to others more through the years as I would have learned a long time ago to believe in myself.
Margaret Brownlee
I am writing because there are too many marginalized voices that are silenced, censored and shut down and I want to be seen, heard and respected.
Alina Lopez-Thomas
I am writing my story to release the inner child in grown women.
Laura Ashley Fry
I wrote my story to remind women how strong they are and to encourage them to never give up.
Debra Bunszel
I’m writing my story for others to know that their feelings of fear might just be courage and also that ‘it’ gets better; and the ‘it’ is ‘you’.
Melissa Murphy
We all have a story with a beginning, middle and end, but when we reveal our true essence, the blessings show who we were meant to become!
Stephanie Lee
I’m writing in the hopes that maybe someone else can learn from my experience and not take a lifetime to love.
Lisa Sinkiewicz
My story is a message of hope ~ a gift from God on my walk through life after trauma that hopefully empowers women with courage to embark on their own healing journey.
Enna Jimenez
My story is about hope and passion and strength, all the things needed when making those hard decisions to walk away from what you love.